We are a concept & custom production studio and we create pretty much anything: stage sets, props, spaceships, interior design, temporary structures for events & exhibitions, dancing robots. We’ve got them all, machines and humans: 3d cuts, flatbed printers, cnc machines for any type of material and a nice team of execution designers, props masters, printing technicians, cnc operators, carpenters, welders.
If you’re busy getting the best coffee in the Eastern Block, the best eclair in the European Union or you’re just spending your weekend playing in a cool playground in Lausanne, you should look around and see what we do. We work with architects that we like and who like us and we make sure that everything they imagined becomes reality.Â
We like to turn imagination into tangible and that’s why major video production studios can count on us when it comes to making props of any kind, production design and other paraphernalia for making fiction look like a true lie.
Festivals are our amphitheatre, our stage. this is where we hit our home runs, where we beat our records. this is where we push our minds to the limit, where we play around with our concepts, where we pump the blood and exhaust the body to get that one thing in return - raison d'etre.
if you think you've got somtehing that we can't make, a conept for a festival installation that is sooo out there that we couldn't possibly create ... we double dare you! tell us about it!
If you attended any major events B.C. (before corona), like exhibitions, conferences, concerts, parties etc you probably saw some of our works: any crazy object, no matter how big or how peculiar. By the way, we can’t wait to meet you again.
Good props make a good story. And who doesn’t like a good story? Who doesn’t like to fall in the rabbit hole of the illusions? We create props for any style, any period, any plot, both for stories with happy and unhappy endings. So, if you need any object in the world for your story, be it a piece of furniture or a stuffed animal, you know where to find us.
this is us, keeping at it for more than 20 years. bravehearts doing our best to make it all work out for the better. If you like what you see and think you wanna join the effort, give us a call.
We are a concept & custom production studio and we create pretty much anything.
If you’re busy getting the best coffee in the Eastern Block, the best eclair in the European Union or you’re just spending your weekend playing in a cool playground in Lausanne, you should look around and see what we do.Â
We like to turn imagination into tangible and that’s why major video production studios can count on us when it comes to making props of any kind.
Festivals are our amphitheatre, our stage. this is where we hit our home runs, where we beat our records. this is our raison d'etre.
If you attended any major events B.C. (before corona), like exhibitions, conferences, concerts, parties etc you probably saw some of our works: any crazy object, no matter how big or how peculiar.
We create props for any style, any period, any plot. So, if you need any object in the world for your story, be it a piece of furniture or a stuffed animal, you know where to find us.
this is us, keeping at it for more than 20 years. bravehearts doing our best to make it all work out for the better. If you like what you see and think you wanna join the effort, give us a call.